Monday 29 December 2014

The Books to Indulge in before the Year Ends

We have esteemed a list of books that we think everyone should read before the year ends !!
Are there any on your personal “to-read list?”

1. Life Is Perfect By Himani Dalmia
Life is perfect is the story of a journey described in a simple, evocative prose. People with a cast of unforgettable characters and winding through colleges, cafes, parties and family dinners with great with and sensitivity, it is a stunning portrait of modern life in Delhi today.

2. Twilight in Delhi by Ahmed Ali
Twilight in Delhi is one of the first novels to call for the freedom of India from British rule. It delves into history, bringing the past alive; it is a moving portrayal of the slow and steady decay of an entire culture and way of life. E.M. Forster praised the book as “new and fascinating…poetic and brutal, delightful and callous.” This classic novel is a fine depiction of a changing India following colonialism.

3. Sepia Leaves by Amandeep Sandhu
Sepia Leaves is simple crafting of words but brilliantly told story of a little boy who survives a slow death since childhood. Seriously makes you question relationships and commitments as you turn each page of the book.

4. Reflections Of An Uncommon Man By Aminuddin Khan

It is about the search for meaning and truth in our lives, which often is right before us and we fail to see it most of the time. It is about the smaller and the bigger things and events of life. It is but essentially about having a soul

There is no enjoyment like reading !!

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